{Career Cruising}

What are you studying? What do you want to do with that degree? What job to you hope to obtain?

These questions will find a commonplace in your interactions with faculty, staff and peers during your time here and they can be overwhelming to answer if you haven't "figured it out" yet. While the decision making process is an ongoing one, continually being active in your search for your career is important and a great tool for you to consider is Career Cruising!

Career Cruising has assessment tool that polls your interests and uses the results to generate a list of occupations you would enjoy.The Career Matchmaker is a an interactive survey where you answer up to 116 questions within the spectrum of "Like Very Much" to "Dislike Very Much." The resulting list includes 40 occupations ranked in order of sustainability. Clicking on the occupation will reveal a description on the career and some feedback on educational goals.

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