Monday, August 27, 2012

We hope you had an excellent first week of classes! What surprised you most about your first week of the semester?


  1. The amount of reading! Whoa, I'm already overwhelmed.

  2. I ran into at least 3 people I knew on my way to class!

    1. That's why we love UNI! You can see friendly and familiar faces all around campus.

  3. What surprised me most was the time i had between classes seemed small but i could actually get alot accomplished

    1. Jenna, those are great opportunities to get some reading or homework in, leaving you with more time for getting involved in other opportunities on campus.

  4. I was most surprised about the amount of reading and how friendly everyone is.

    1. The amount of reading or assignments can seem overwhelming at the onset of the semester. Remember to chunk it into manageable pieces which will help you keep up with the work and leave time for your new "friendly" friends.

  5. I was surprised that I found so many new friends on my floor very quickly

    1. Great! We hope that you find many opportunities throughout campus to meet people , make friends, and get active and connected with others!

  6. I was surprised how my classes still felt like high school classes. I was expecting to walk into big rooms with a bunch of other people but all my classes were relatively small!

    1. This is one of the benefits of UNI…smaller class sizes and courses taught by faculty. The student to instructor ratio is 16:1. You can find courses (especially Liberal Arts Core) that have varying sizes – the Humanities have sections with 25 -35 students and others with 100 – 125. Once you get into your major courses, the classes typically become smaller and more specialized.

  7. I was surprised at how fast the classes went by and how easy it was to make friends in my classes.

    1. These new friends in your classes can also be great study partners or groups for you in the future.

  8. I was surprised how hard the lectures are, seems like they never end and it is hard to pay attention to the classes i don't like

    1. We know that learning by lecture can be new and challenging…many new have this same feeling. Focus on what is interesting and think positively (sending yourself messages like ‘This is boring’, or ‘Why didn’t I stay home and sleep in’ is not helpful). Knowing how to take good lecture notes will also help…contact the Academic Learning Center (008 ITTC / for tips and ideas.

      Plenty of sleep, exercise and maybe a good cup of coffee could also help! :-)

  9. I found on my first day that the art education major I had chosen was not going to work for me. I guess I learned I can't rely on a talent that only manifests itself occasionally.

    1. That’s OK…many students change their mind of academic major during their first year on campus. Come in to talk to an academic advisor in the Office of Academic Advising (102 Gilchrist / 319 – 273-3406) and together we can discuss your interests and explore your options!

  10. How cliquey the girls in my hallway are. Everyone knows each other and my roommate and I have meet zero girls in our hallway.

    Also, how much I can get done in such a small amount of time.

    1. Great that you are using your time wisely! Keep it going as the semester has just begun. Meeting new people and making friends is one of the biggest transitions to college. Look for hall or house programming for you and your roommate to get involved with. Also venture outside your hall – check out the Volunteer Fair on 8/30 or visit the Student Involvement Center (111 Maucker Union / for ideas.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm just overwhelmed and a bit scared. Almost all of my classes are way harder than I expected and they go through so much material in such a small amount of time that it's hard to keep up. I don't want to fail.

    1. You have shared thoughts that many others are feeling...but not letting others know. UNI has resources/services to assist you in your transtions to college and to help you with your academic success. Talk with your RA on your floor or the Residence Life Coordinator in the hall about your feelings. Let us help you in the Office of Academic Advising. Connect with an academic mentor for the semester through the link at the top of the blog page (just provide us with your contact information)...or just give our office a call (319-273-3406) and ask to talk to an advisor. We are here to help!
